Zipline private stock trade


Legal NameZipline International, Inc
HeadquartersHalf Moon Bay, CA
SectorLogistics & Transportation

Zipline is a drone delivery company that specializes in using autonomous aircraft to provide medical supply deliveries in remote and hard-to-reach areas. Its mission is to improve access to healthcare by delivering essential medical products such as blood, vaccines, and medications to underserved communities. Zipline operates a network of distribution centers and autonomous drones that can deliver medical supplies quickly and efficiently, bypassing traditional transportation challenges.

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Secondary Pricing Information

$ .star in blue circleZX Index Value | Get ZXData access
-4.02%ZX Index Value MoM Change
-38.00%ZX Index Value VS Reported Marks
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Secondary Volume Information

$ .M star in blue circleAggregate Volume | Get ZXData access
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