SiFive private stock trade


Legal NameSiFive, Inc.
HeadquartersSan Mateo, CA

SiFive is a semiconductor company that specializes in creating customizable, RISC-V-based processor cores and SoC (System-on-Chip) designs. RISC-V is an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), and SiFive leverages this architecture to provide customizable chip designs for a wide range of applications, from IoT devices to data centers. SiFive's platform allows companies to develop custom silicon solutions tailored to their specific needs, enabling innovation and flexibility in chip design.

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Secondary Pricing Information

$ .star in blue circleZX Index Value | Get ZXData access
2.15%ZX Index Value MoM Change
-21.93%ZX Index Value VS Reported Marks
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Secondary Volume Information

$ .M star in blue circleAggregate Volume | Get ZXData access
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