SpaceX private stock trade


Legal NameSpace Exploration Technologies Corp.
HeadquartersHawthorne, CA
SectorAerospace & Defense

SpaceX is a private aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company. SpaceX is known for its Falcon and Starship rockets, which aim to reduce the cost of space travel and enable human exploration of Mars. SpaceX has successfully launched numerous missions, including cargo resupply to the International Space Station (ISS), satellite deployment, and crewed missions. Its work in reusability, space exploration, and satellite internet through the Starlink project has made it a leader in the commercial space industry.

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Secondary Pricing Information

$ .star in blue circleZX Index Value | Get ZXData access
-2.95%ZX Index Value MoM Change
5.00%ZX Index Value VS Reported Marks
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Secondary Volume Information

$ .M star in blue circleAggregate Volume | Get ZXData access
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