GrubMarket private stock trade


Legal NameGrubMarket, Inc.
HeadquartersSan Francisco, CA

GrubMarket is an e-commerce and technology-driven platform that focuses on connecting consumers, businesses, and farmers in the food supply chain. The company's mission is to make fresh and sustainable food more accessible and affordable while supporting local farmers and food producers. GrubMarket offers a diverse range of food products, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, snacks, and pantry items, all available for online ordering and delivery.

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Secondary Pricing Information

$ .star in blue circleZX Index Value | Get ZXData access
-5.48%ZX Index Value MoM Change
-27.24%ZX Index Value VS Reported Marks
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star in blue circleTo view Pre-IPO pricing data for GrubMarket, log in to ZXData or contact us to request access.

Secondary Volume Information

$ .M star in blue circleAggregate Volume | Get ZXData access
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star in blue circleTo view Pre-IPO volume data for GrubMarket, log in to ZXData or contact us to request access.
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