Figma private stock trade


Legal NameFigma, Inc.
HeadquartersSan Francisco, CA
SectorCloudTech & DevOps

Figma is a cloud-based design and collaboration platform, focusing in the field of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. It provides designers and design teams with a set of tools for creating digital designs, prototypes, and interactive user interfaces. Figma focuses on its real-time collaboration features, enabling multiple designers and stakeholders to work simultaneously on the same design project, fostering teamwork and feedback exchange.

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Secondary Pricing Information

$ .star in blue circleZX Index Value | Get ZXData access
-0.49%ZX Index Value MoM Change
14.07%ZX Index Value VS Reported Marks
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star in blue circleTo view Pre-IPO pricing data for Figma, log in to ZXData or contact us to request access.

Secondary Volume Information

$ .M star in blue circleAggregate Volume | Get ZXData access
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star in blue circleTo view Pre-IPO volume data for Figma, log in to ZXData or contact us to request access.
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